
Why Cold Water Defrosting with CNSRV Technology Outperforms Refrigeration Methods
The Reality: Challenge of Refrigeration Defrosting in Busy Kitchens. Many restaurant owners and corporate executives...

Comparing the running faucet method to CNSRV method of defrosting in commercial kitchens
In the video below you will see several items being defrosted in a real kitchen...

CNSRV DC:02 Defrosting Tuna
This grocery store chain usually spends 3 hours and roughly 900 gallons of water defrosting...

CNSRV in the field
DEFROSTING TURKEYS: The CNSRV DC:02 defrosted four 8lbs turkey breasts for a multinational grocery store...

The Good and Bad of Cold Water Food Defrosting
It has been noted in several publications and journals (see our experts page) that utilizing...

CNSRV DC:02 In Kitchens
CNSRV DC:02 have been helping commercial kitchens save water, money, time, and quality defrosting frozen...