Comparing the running faucet method to CNSRV method of defrosting in commercial kitchens
In the video below you will see several items being defrosted in a real kitchen using the running faucet method. Then you will see items being defrosted with CNSRV.
The running faucet method pounds water down on a single portion of the food, creating an uneven and potentially unsafe defrost. The turkeys in the initial portion of the video take nearly 5 hours under a running faucet- using over 2,000 gallons of water in the process.
CNSRV defrosts a similar amount of chicken later in the video in under 2 hours using only 10 gallons of water. The choice is clear: CNSRV creates a safer environment where the food is evenly defrosted in half the time using 98% less water in commercial kitchens.